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What is it about age?

I myself struggle with the fact that I am going to be 50 this year!!!!! Some may ask why, to be honest its a difficult one to answer. What I have discovered is that many people feel the same. So many have spoken in the counselling chair that they feel they should have achieved certain things by the time they are 20, 30, 40, 50, 60! The truth is it does not matter how long it takes to do anything. The key is to keep going. Life is short and we should live our best life.

Something I have decided to do is 50 things in my 50th year. The list ranges from birthday cake in Disney, to going to the ballet.

Yesterday I was invited to an ice hockey game. I was not really sure...but I went and I had a really good time. Sometimes we need to do something different, it does not have to be extreme.

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