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Dementia Diary 29/06/2020


I woke up this morning to a message from my sister to say mum had another fall in the hospital. We were so shocked about this. We have no control, we do not now how she is if she is hurt. I know she will be scared as her support network is not there.

Dad is upset that he cannot see her. She kept ringing him last night as she just wants someone to come and get her. It is awful not being able to reassure her.

I did get to speak to her this evening....she said can I please come and pick her up so I said I would go when I finish work.....a lie to help calm her. She gets so upset and tells me she is really sad but she does not know why.

I guess today is a sad day for us all. We do not have the power to help and that simply breaks my heart.

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